Monday, October 13, 2008

Faces for Radio, Monday Morning Edition

I've decided that since I'm so effing beautiful, that I would start a column here at Pedro's about those whom I deem to be ugly. Yes, this is totally rude. Yes, this is not fair to those I choose to ridicule. And yes, I should have something better to do. But I don't and it's Columbus Day, I slept terribly last night and consequently I'm tired, cranky and bitter this morning. On top of that, all I have to look forward to today is a lunch with my sponsor who's going to lecture me ad nauseum about how to fix my so called life. Ugh. Shoot me now.

Any-yawn, I'm going to start off this here column with Sandra Bernhard. Granted, she was brills-effing-murray in Hudson Hizzawk ("Bunny! Ball Ball!"), but lately she seems to be in the news because she can't close her freakin' pie hole. And what a savage pie hole it is! Check out this pic from

The pride of Flint, Michigan. Jeezus.

Apparently she thought that cracking wise about VP hopeful Sarah Palin getting gang raped by a cadre of black men was "funny." Now I may not be Billy Crystal or George Carlin, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine that gang rape jokes are generally - how can I put this nicely - NOT FUCKING FUNNY. I don't care about your political views. This has nothing to do with that. What this does have to do with is taking a Face for Radio, and then making it even uglier (if that is possible in this case) by making gang rape jokes. What a total douche-tard.

Pan back! Like, waaaaaaaaay back!!!

So that's about it from me today. I'm open to suggestions from you, my loyal reader(s), for more candidates for this column. I figure that at some point I'll have to induct Madonna into the Face For Radio Hall Of Fame, but there's just no time today. I mean, with her face that post could take weeks.


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