Thursday, June 29, 2006

Transformers technology

Recently I became aware of some awesome footage related to the new Transformers film that is currently in production. Check it out on youtube here: Transformation.

The first time I saw it I watched it like ten times in a row. It’s awesome. The sound and overall reality of it is outstanding. Can you imagine Manhattan with a bunch of these mofos running around trying to blow each other up? So best! This movie clearly has Must See potential. It looks like the current target date for release is for July 4, 2007 so we’ve quite a wait but I must say that we here at Pedro's NYC are all a-twitter about this film which is odd because I was never a big fan of the transformers when I was younger. Of course, they came on and were huge when I was at boarding school so I had no tv access which may have contributed to my lack of transformer-love (not to be confused with tranny-love, obvs) but the past is past and it's all about next summer's blockbuster!

Also, it has been reported that this clip was not actually leaked from Industrial Light & Magic as was originally reported. Still, it’s awesome to see that the technology is so good – it bodes well for the final product’s overall tech/viz effects. I'm assuming this clip is of Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, although the colors are different. Optimus' body color was red. See?

Old Optimus could bring it. No doubt.

UPDATE!! A link from the Thighmaster yesterday (I actually began this post two days ago as an email to Chris in London) gets us to the actual teaser trailer for the film!!! Check it out! It's a Dreamworks production of a Michael Bay film, and I am stoked. This film is gonna rock. Woo Hoo!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Is it 5 o'clock yet?

Is it just me or has this week been a doozy? I am beat. Of course some of my fatigue is the direct result of staying at Hugo's birthday party last night, but I'll get to that. So today I'm going to drop random thoughts as they come. Allow me to apologize in advance for any all-over-the-mapness that may occur, but cut me some slack, will ya? I'm tired, the boss is working from home, and I actually have to do some work today, so eat me.

We can't bear to watch either.

  • Going, going, Ghana. Um, go England? At least no one here was watching. But still, what the hell happened to the US in the World Cup? We looked pathetic. I mean, on some level, it's kind of a sweet poetic justice that we bowed out by losing to a small West African nation of 22 million people. I'm seriously pumped for them - I mean, it's Ghana, right? And with all due respect, well, let's just say there's not a lot of talk out there about "living the Ghanian Dream" - know what I'm sayin'? So this is probably pretty cool for them. I bet they were dancin' in the streets of Accra last night. Well played, Ghana.

    So this pretty much opens things up for me. I've always been a fan of England, probably because of all the World Cup games I've watched over the years, I've watched most of them from England or with English peeps. There's that whole common language thing, too. It's too bad Becks is getting old because back in the day he was money. He's still got it, but you can see that this is probably his last Cup. Also, his wife's bad plastic surgery freaks me out. In fact, it freaks me out more than I like Becks, so while I'll cheer for England, they're not my number one favorite this time 'round.

    These guys are, for reasons I should not have to explain to those who know me. And yes, obviously, I'm going for points with the girlfriend here. Boo Yah!

  • There was an article last summer in the New York Times (I think) that posited that Philadelphia, being only 80 miles away, qualified as the "Sixth Borough" of New York City. Obviously, that's crap, but I suppose it's craptastic enough to peak some interest. And when I say "some interest" I actually mean an ad campaign dreamed up by a bunch of ad school (ad school?) students that points out NYC's shortcomings and how much better life is in Philly. Yeah, right. But anyway, this one's my favorite, simply because it's true. Check out the rest of the campaign here. You've gotta love the crack about Ethan Hawke.

Verily, where is the love?

Run Forrest! To the freakin' hair salon!!
It's all about the hair, people.

  • The forecast here in NYC is for humidity and summer showers this weekend so I might drag myself to finally see the Da Vinci Code if for no other reason that to get a good, long look at Tom Hanks' Hair. Check out this brilliant post I read a while back that follows the career of Tom's hair, grading it on a movie by movie basis. Obviously, the career defining performance for Tom Hanks' Hair was in Forrest Gump.

  • I referenced Hugo's birthday party last night, but according to the girlfriend (who's generally in charge of, well, pretty much everything) his actual birthday is today. So from all of us here at Pedro's NYC, Happy Birthday Hugo!

    Now Hugo, about the party. First, it was great. I had a ball, I stayed out too late, I'm feeling the love this morning, etc. But seriously, man, two words: AIR. CONDITIONING. This is actually not new technology and I can say with almost 100% certainty that this technology is available even to you hipsters on the Lower East Side. Seriously? I haven't sweat like that since the day after the last time I went out with Lerner!

  • One other thing about last night was that Chris told me that he's got his mother and aunt reading my stuff. I gotta tell you, if it's true, well I'm flattered but way more than a little bit embarrassed and don't make me explain why. Again, if this is true then I hope you enjoy it. I hope that some of the more offensive things I've said here won't cause you to uninvite me to the River or anything. Seriously, I told Chris that I'd have to clean up my act and he told me in no uncertain terms that I was forbidden from doing any such thing. So here I am, and, I guess things will more or less stay the same. So welcome to the Wild Goose Peeps. *Big Wave Hello*

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wow. I almost missed this.

I just noticed that my post about Brit Brit's craptastic behavior at the Victoria's Secret was my 100th post. How auspicious.

I've gotta admit it here people. I think it's pretty sweet - you might even say that I'm feeling a little bit proud of myself for keeping it up. So, thanks for reading, everyone. I hope you enjoy it, because I do.


Summer Reading

Hi everyone. Sorry I've been away for so long. Busy busy busy, don't you know. But the following story hit the tape yesterday and I felt compelled to share it - because - say it with me now, that's how we roll here at Pedro's NYC. Ahhh. That felt good.

Do you think this guy had trouble getting a date?
Young Robert Evans in the late 50s, pimpin' Hollywood Style

Let's get on to the commentary because Pedro's NYC hearts Robert Evans. Some of you may not be familiar with Mr. Evans. But perhaps you're familiar with some of the films he's produced. They include The Godfather, Rosemary's Baby, Marathon Man, Chinatown and Love Story. Heard of any of those? That's Robert Evans.

Robert Evans during the 1970s
Pimpin' mogul style at Paramount Studios

Well, poor Bobby's getting divorced from his wife of ten months, Victoria White O'Gara. This is remarkable because this divorce is number seven for him (one of them was to Ali McHottness - could Bobby bring it or what??). I'm not kidding either. Seven. Technically his nine day - that's right people, nine day marriage to Catherine Oxen-babe was annulled, so it could be argued that this is only his sixth divorce. But, really, at this point what's the difference? The point to focus on here is that poor Bobby could be just that. He may be poor. You'd think that after running Paramount Studios and producing blockbuster hits he'd have a little coin in his pocket. But, well, Bobby's never been known for his frugality. Rather, he's more known for blowing his cash on women (pay to play as well as the ex-wives). And yayo. But that was really more during the 80s, so it's kinda moot today. Anyway, People magazine online reported the following:

White O'Gara has asked for a repeal of the court's ability to award Evans spousal support.

Talk about kicking a guy when he's down! Who does she think she is? She's obviously got some skills in the marital department because she's married some very, very wealthy guys. And we here at Pedro's have no problem with that. The article describes her marital history like this:

White O'Gara had been wed twice before Evans, first to the late British industrialist Lord Gordon White, who was 40 years her senior and worth an estimated $400 million. They were married for three years before he died in 1995. Eighteen months later, she wed California Rolls-Royce dealer Tom O'Gara, whom she divorced after six years.
Well done, indeed, Victoria. Very nice work. We love that you nailed Sir White. I mean, you're no Vickie Lynn Hogan, but it's still impressive work. Maybe she's trying to get out of the spousal support racket because of the way Bobby proposed to her. With all due respect, Bobby should've known how to do it right. Hell, he's done it before, many times. And this time, well, I feel he got a little cavalier with the whole ceremony of getting engaged. As per People Magazine,
Perhaps she should have seen the writing on the wall early on: Evans proposed to her with a framed black-and-white photo of her and Sir White, with Evans's face pasted on White's body. That way, Evans explained to Time, she could "have us both at her bedside at night."

Whoa. WTF is up with that? Even more disturbing is that it didn't freak her out. She actually said 'yes'! Whatever. We here at Pedro's care not about the details any more. As Bobby is probably thinking, next time will be the charm.

Homeboy still bringin' it in 2002
He's aged some, but after 50 years in
Hollywood he's still pimpin'

But the whole point of this exercise is that Bobby needs some cash. So we felt it important to try to help the old boy out by recommending his autobiography, entitled The Kid Stays In The Picture, which you can pick up at any local bookstore. If you're a fan of the movies, women, drugs, sex, comedy and drama, then this book is for you. It's a great read and won't tax your brain too much. It will just leave you with lots of interesting Hollywood trivia that you can use to dazzle people at your next cocktail party. The tag line of the book is

Success, Scandal, Sex, Tragedy, Infamy.
And that's just the first chapter.

How can you not love that? For the less literary inclined, you can also pick up the movie that Bobby made that was based on the book, also called The Kid Stays In The Picture. It, too, is outstanding and will provide great R-Rated entertainment for a rainy Saturday afternoon this summer.

So come on out and support poor old Bobby Evans. Help him get back on his feet. He's a Hollywood legend built in the old school way: discovered while sunning by the pool at the Beverly Hills Hotel in LA, he ended up building the top studio in Hollywood and looked great doing it. Not bad for a nice Jewish boy from the Upper West Side. So the editorial staff would like to wish Bobby our condolensces and a hearty Better Luck Next Time! Boo Yah!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Good Gawd, Brit. Enough's enough.

To be filed under: Savage Train Crash From Which I Cannot Turn Away

In a recent post I cited some very, ahem, reliable internet sources who said that Britney Spears and K-Fed's whirlwind romance and marriage was done. In response, Brit Brit took to the airwaves, inviting none other than Good Morning America's Matt Lauer to her home for a tete-a-tete. I'm sure it was touching as hell. I saw clips during which poor Brit sobbed (tears and all - a real moment) that "we're people, too", that her marriage to K-Fed (be sure to check this alternative cover art for his album here) was "awesome", and that she was sure that she is "a good mom." Powerful stuff, people, especially with the cuts to Matt Lauer's oh-so-serious look.

Yeah. Right. The fact is, Brit Brit, your 15 minutes have been extended because morons like myself find your behavior fascinating to watch in a scientific experiment sort of way.

And I'm sure you're all asking yourselves, "Wherefore the cynicism Pedro?"

Oh, people. I wish I hadn't seen this, but Jessica and Jesse Gawker tipped me off and I felt compelled to bring it to you, my loyal reader(s). Here it is, from Us Weekly (you know how we love our fact checked, reliable sources here at Pedro's!!!), prepare thyselves.
No changing table? No problem. One June 4, Britney Spears, 24, with 9-month-old son Sean in tow, picked up pink thongs at a Victoria’s Secret in Mission Viejo, California. Her next order of, uh, business? Changing Sean’s dirty diaper — on the floor next to the cash register! Says the source, “Britney then tried to hand it to an employee,” but the salesperson wouldn’t take it.
As if a barefoot, fat and pregnant Britney in a pink thong isn't terrifying enough, she plunks the kid down right there, amidst oodles of satin and lace, and unleashes the loaded chambre courtesy of Sean P. Can you imagine? The best part of this story is the salesperson who was basically like, "Fuck that! I don't care who you are. That shit is aaaaalllllllll you! Peace out Beeyatch!"

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Now I'm not averse to a makeover, but this is ridiculous ... or is it?


That was my reaction when I read an article yesterday that DC Comics, the house that brought you Batman, Superman, and The Green Hornet (which co-starred this guy, btw), is relaunching Batwoman in July.

And they've decided to make her a lesbian socialite. (Or would it be socialite lesbian?)

That's right, kids. She'll be some sick cross between a Park Avenue/Spence attending/Choo wearin/Hermes Birkin Bag toting/never had a job/summers in the Hamptons or ... wherever the hell she wants because she's got no effin job and money is no object type of chick, and a karate knowin'/ass kickin/bull dyke - who is the hottness. Um, hello?

God would I have loved to have sat in on that meeting. Can't you hear it? Somebody's pitching it like "It's like Paris Hilton meets Chyna but instead of ending up having a lazy eye and being loaded all the time, she's an ass kicking lesbo crime fighter with a thing for the only mammals that can fly."

Can you see why I thought to myself, "Huh?"

It's an odd decision, methinks. I mean to me, this smacks of diversity for diversity's sake. Dan DiDio, Vice President and Executive Editor at DC Comics tries to explain:
"We're trying for overall diversity in the DC universe. We have strong African-American, Hispanic and Asian characters. We're trying to get a better cross-section of our readership and the world."
Don't get me wrong: diversity is good and the editorial staff of Pedro's NYC supports diversity. But a "better cross section of our readership"?? How many lesbo socialites read comic books? How many? I mean, I don't have any stats, but something tells me neither does he. This whole thing seems a little contrived.

But hold on a minute. Let's examine this a little further. The fact of the matter is that we here at Pedro's NYC heart lesbians - and lesbianism and all things lesbo, even Lesbos. Especially when they look like the description of the "new" Batwoman. Regard:
The 5-foot-10 superhero comes with flowing red hair, knee-high red boots with spiked heels, and a form-fitting black outfit. [See pic]
Hel - Lo! Anyone, man or woman, not on board with the aforementioned program is lying to themselves - or dead. This chick is NOT your run of the mill butch lookin' bull dyke. Sounds like she's got some flair, maybe even a fetish or two. At the end of the day she's really all about Bat-hottness, which I can dig in a girl, especially if she can kick my ass. So I've decided to overlook the contrivance and ridiculousness of the creation of such a character and plant myself firmly in the camp of general lasciviousness. And thus, we approve and eagerly await the director's cut.